I'm all set up and ready to go behind the sound desk - with up to 200 people in the room, the speakers will have to be heard properly -with my laptop in front of me and Chris Laurence's digital camera to my left. I'll be making the speakers nervous while they talk and hoping no-one does that to me when it's my turn tomorrow.
I'll be liveblogging highlights from many of the presentations to give everyone who couldn't attend a chance to see what to expect next time. That means I'll be posting, editing and posting again as things happen, so it's best to refresh the page every 5 minutes or so if you want to folow a particular presentation. You can do that by pressing the refresh button on your browser or F5 on your keyboard.
We'll kick off shortly with ICAWC Chairman and Dogs Trust Chief Executive Clarissa Baldwin giving the welcome address, who will be followed by ten presentations on topics ranging from population dynamics to human-animal interaction, changing behaviour patterns to education and Tellington Touch to international training opportunities.
You know, I can feel my hands getting tired already from the typing I'm going to be doing!
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